But then they clicked. They found the groove for the 2014 Seahawks team and they went on to win nine more games, only losing one more game, and clinching not only a playoff spot, but the number one seed and home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
I was so blessed to be at that game, at all of the home games. To watch the teamwork and the amazing plays and the team bonds and even the heartbreaks. Holding my breath as Russell threw a pass. Grabbing my friend's arm as Marshawn barreled through the defensive line towards the end zone. Crossing my fingers as Hauschka kicked a fifty-plus yarder through the uprights. It was amazing!
The ferry rides back to Bremerton are always jam-packed with Seahawks fans. Tired and happy and cheering and buzzing with excitement. And this ferry ride was no different. For the first part of the trip, we sat with a lovely couple from Shelton. We chatted about football. They asked if Kristi and I watched away games together too. We said we didn't, that Kristi watched from her hometown and I watched with my girls. They asked about my girls and I took the chance to brag about them. Kristi found a friend on the ferry across the way and I continued to chat with our new football friends. She asked more about my girls, and then asked what my husband did and why he didn't join me for the games. I explained to her that he had passed away (that question doesn't bring fear to my heart like it used to. A brief stabbing is all). She apologized for bringing up something so awful and I told her it was ok. She asked about how we handled something like that. I explained that we were a good team and that we were all pretty strong and that we have an amazing support system. That we were ok! She smiled and said what a wonderful testament we were to family strength and making it through adversity. I smiled at her and told her I was proud of us for surviving a lot. Our conversation came to end and I went to find my friends again.
When I got off the ferry and made my way to my car, my thoughts were with my girls. I wanted to get to them and hug them. So I went and picked them up and as we were driving home, I told the girls about my experience on the ferry. How proud that lady was at hearing our story and how that had made me proud of us, proud of them! That they had survived so much across the span of their little lives and they were such an inspiration to me.
Amelia smiled at me and told me that we should be proud of all three of us. That we all fought and prayed and trusted God to get is where we were at that very moment.
"Mommy, it's like we have magnets inside of each of us, and our magnets only stick to the people that are good for us. You know what happens if you can't find the right side of the magnet? Well, our magnets stick. And we are the strongest team ever! Hey! Kinda like the Seahawks! We are awesome, just like they are! Aren't we, mommy!"
"Yes, Amelia. Just like the Seahawks...our magnets are super strong. You have no idea how strong my magnet is attracted to yours..."
They will never understand. I'm sure it's a lot of pressure to put on two little human beings. But they will never understand how strong their magnets were for me. How their magnets were the only reason I got out of bed in the morning. Why I went to work each day. Why I pushed and continue to push to be ok.
Our magnets are strong...Seahawks strong. I hold my breath as I watch Amelia perform on stage in dance recitals. I grab my friend's arm as I watch Emerson experience something challenging and make it through to the end zone. And I cross my fingers as they weave their way through life experiences. Much like the 2014 Seahawks, with all of our rough patches and all of the hard days and all of the tears that we shed, we've been granted the number one seed, with home field advantage throughout. We are in control of our destiny. We are in the drivers seat of our season. And when I look back at our record, we may have started off shaky at 3-3, but I can guarantee that we will be conference champs. Our future is bright! Our magnets are strong! And the trophy will be ours! And I can guarantee we'll be back-to-back champs...Go Duncan girls!!
And Go Hawks!!