Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Do You Want Fries with That?

The answer to this blog post title for me is always a resounding YES! I love salty! I love fries. This is probably a big contributor to my weight loss struggles. And even though it seems that I’m starting to get the hang of this weight loss and exercise thing, the truth is I still struggle. I am thirteen pounds lower than I was one year ago. I’ve probably lost the same few pounds all year long but that has given me hope that my downward trend will continue. 

With the new year dawning usually comes the resolutions. Weight loss has perpetually been on my list for at least the last fifteen years. I say only fifteen years because I didn’t actively care any of the years before that. Those years were the years I spent bulking up to rock out my success story. Ballooning up to 361 pounds has its perks in that the 230 pounds I am currently staring down doesn’t seem so bad. Until you realize that you’ve been stuck here for a while. 

I’ve been a Weightwatchers member for the last fifteen years off and on. It works! When you’re true to yourself and working the program it works. So, naturally when the new year started and I began writing out my plan for success in the new year, my first item on my list was to quit meetings. Haha! Not what you were expecting? Part of my life message from Heavenly Father was to catch my breath. To slow life down. To take things out that don’t contribute to His plan and will for me. Meetings haven’t been working for me for a while. They are one more thing to run to in my busy schedule. They were one more expense. For what? To go up and down the same five pounds in two years? So I quit the meetings and switched to just the online program. I still need the crutch of their app and their points calculators and the feeling that I have some guidance and I’m not just relying on my own nutritional knowledge. Because that love of fries kicks in and I convince myself that I’m eating vegetables in that little red box with the M on them. 

After I quit the meetings I sat down and I made my vision board for the year. I wrote out my goals. I’d like to weigh 165. I want to drink around 100 ounces of water in a day. I want to walk or run five and a half miles a day. I want to complete my couch to 5K app on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and continue kickboxing Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’ve joined a couple different DietBets. I’m going to enter the I Love Kickboxing body transformation challenge. I have signed up for a challenge to run 2,018 miles in 2018. I want to actually weigh and measure my food and maybe actually stay within my daily points for a change. I have refocused and have planned and wrote out my goals and my rewards. I’m ready to finally conquer the dreaded 220 pound mark that is such a huge mental block for me. I’m ready to see who I can become in this new beautiful year. 

But I also know that all the plans and pictures and vision boards in the world won’t make the change happen if I don’t first start by putting my Lord and Savior first. He needs to be in the center of all of these plans. He needs to be the one I turn to for direction. He needs to be the one I talk to before making decisions. I know He loves me and wants me to treat my body like the temple He created me to be. And I know that He already has the plan for me to do that, and the route I need to take to get there. 

He also has gifted me with friends and family to support me through my journey. So, in order to remain accountable, I will be posting my journey on Facebook so that I can have a record of this year to come. So, I apologize for this now. If this sort of thing annoys you, you can unfriend me! I know that sometimes I get annoyed with people and what they post and these pieces of my journey maybe are teaching me a lesson of sort. People need people. They need supporters and people to cheer them on. Not sure if that’s what I’m looking for per se, but this is more of a way to be able to look back and see what I’ve accomplished in a year. 

I have put God in the center of this journey. I am creating a different me to become a better servant to my Father. I am changing my health and my eating and my exercise to glorify His name and to take care of the body He has given me!

Am I going to still eat fries? Probably. But I am going to be more deliberate in my thinking about my eating and my journey. I have a lot of live for. I have a lot to do in His kingdom. And I want to be a good example to the two little girls in my house that are looking to me for healthy lifestyles. 

I will be praying my way through this journey, asking you all to love and support me through it, encouraging you to pray about what God’s goals are for you this year, and looking forward to ringing in 2019 in a healthier, happier body, mind, and spirit!

Happy New Year!! Want to share some fries?

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