Tuesday, January 19, 2016


"Well, you're down just a little...0.2 pounds."

Wait, what? I'd worked so hard this week! I tracked everything that I ate. I walked five days of the week. I completed week two of my Couch to 5K app. How could I only be down 0.2 pounds. The words stung a little bit. I had hoped to be down more. I walked to my seat in the meeting room and sat down, disappointed in myself. I looked at my tracker, trying to figure out what I'd done wrong. Maybe I forgot to write some of my food in my journal. Maybe I wrote some of my points in wrong. Maybe I'm not drinking enough water. I was starting to feel anxious and sad about my progress in Weight Watchers this week. Negative thoughts ran through my head. I didn't even get the Cinnabon that I had wanted! This isn't worth it! I should just got home and eat a cheeseburger. That's what I really want. I'm sick of veggies and fruits and weighing and measuring. For what? To lose 0.2 pounds?!

And then I paused. Wait a second, Duncan. Stop and think for just a second. Don't think about losing JUST 0.2 pounds. Think harder. I thumbed through my weight loss materials as I waited for the meeting to start. I have gained so much in the last few weeks. That 0.2 added in to make my total 21 pounds down. I've started running...not like real running yet but I'm doing a Couch to 5K app and there is some running. I never thought I'd do that in my life. Like ever... I'm eating better than I've ever eaten in my life. Whole foods and organic and healthy. I'm planning my menus every week, and sticking to them. I'm not just grabbing fast food every day. The girls are enjoying the meals I'm cooking at home and I'm enjoying cooking them. We are more healthy together. My girls are seeing me exercise and eat better and they are too. I started a tap class. What? I've never danced in my entire life unless you count at a bar with a few shots of Fireball in my system. I went to class tonight and I had so much fun and got a good workout in too. I'm drinking more water. I have more energy. I feel amazing! I'm not in as much pain as I usually am. I am so much more than those 0.2 pounds. Plus, those pounds are in the right direction. Down! I'm down!

Our meeting at Weight Watchers tonight was about our attitude and self-talk and how our thoughts and attitude can set the mood for the day. We talked about my thoughts. How I had walked into the meeting excited, thinking I was going to be down a lot and when I wasn't, those negative thoughts immediately started filling my head.  And I could feel myself getting emotional and struggling with my plan for the week. I might as well cheat  if I'm going to put all that work in and still not lose as much as I was hoping. But I quickly turned around my thinking. Last week I lost 5.8. That's a lot! There's no way I could have lost a lot this week too. 

Positive self-talk goes a long way and not just towards weight loss. Thinking positive and starting off with a good thought can turn your mood around and make your day better. It can help at work, with your kids, in your families, and even just out in public. When you choose to have a positive attitude, everything else tends to line up in that fashion also!

Want to know the best part? Every day is a new day! Every morning is a chance to start over, to try again, to make the best of the day! So start tomorrow morning. Add positive self-talk in, add in good thoughts about how your day is going to go! Start rethinking the messages you are sending yourself. I'm my own worst critic. And I think "I wouldn't say these things to one of my friends, or one of my students. So why am I saying them to myself?"

Start your day off right. Start with good thoughts about yourself! And then, as you navigate your day, alter your thoughts that are running through your head! Don't think poorly of yourself. Don't turn to beating yourself up with negative words. Build yourself up! Think about how amazing you are! Talk yourself through the day, and encourage yourself as if you would encourage a friend. We are very careful to say positive, uplifting things to our friends and family. We should be gentle with ourselves as well!

With positive thinking, and an uplifting start to your day, you should be able to conquer each day better! You are amazing! You are a magnificent creation of our Father! Choose to see yourself the way He sees you! A marvelous being! 

I know that by the end of my meeting, I was feeling recharged and ready to go for this upcoming week. I cannot be discouraged by a 0.2 pound loss, because everything I am doing to earn those losses are adding up to a better, healthier me! So I keep my chin up and keep the positive attitude up to help the scale continue to go down, even if it's just 0.2 pounds. 

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