I am an instant gratification kind of person. I need a carrot, a piece of cheese at the end of the maze, some sort of tangible reward for my hard work and dedication. I was "doing WeightWatchers online" for a long time. That's in quotes because I was really only paying money. It took me almost a year to realize I was basically the same weight I was when I started. I knew the meetings worked and this past September I walked into my first meeting in years and I haven't missed a single week yet. But it wasn't so much the meetings themselves, although I have come to realize they are just as important as anything else. It was the star stickers. And the charms. And the little, tangible prizes you get along your journey. Every five pounds they give you a 5 pound sticker for your weight loss record book. Every major milestone such as 5% lost, 10% lost, 25 pounds down, etc. you get a little charm to put on the keyrong they gave you for staying four weeks. I love getting these little rewards and celebrating those little milestones. And it must work because I got a five pound sticker this past week at weigh-in for losing 40 pounds! I've lost an Emerson! Wow!
Running was just running. No rewards, other than the pride of completing a workout. Or hitting my step count for the day. I've signed up for two 5K runs coming up soon. I'm sure most people look to see what the terrain might be like, or how much it costs. I first checked out the FAQ page to see if you got a medal. I'm not hauling this rear end through Seattle just for fun. I want something pretty and shiny to show off my work.
I was telling a parent at my school about my 5K runs I had signed up for and she asked if I had heard of virtual races. I hadn't and she told me to check them out. I didn't think about it again until Facebook magically suggested I "like" a page called virtual strides. I checked it out. It is a company where you can sign up for races in either 5K, 10K, or half marathon. You complete it on your own, in your own time and at your own pace. When you do, you log your time onto your account, and they send you a medal for completing it! This was exactly what I needed! Incentive to work harder and run longer and have something to show for my work. An added bonus is that a portion of your registration fee goes to the charity sponsoring the run. My first virtual 5K completed was for the Epilepsy Foundaion. I thought that was appropriate! My medal was shipped yesterday! My second 5K was to help get service dogs to military personnel that need them. I logged that time yesterday. And I signed up for one over spring break that is a foundation for children who have lost a parent. Another important one for me to complete. And you get fun medals! And I get training time for my real life 5K races. Win-win all around!
So, what tangibles am I getting on my faith walk with God? Surely God isn't handing me stickers or medals for each leg of the journey that I complete. It's not like I read a chapter in my Bible study and he hands me a gold star. I don't get tangibles like that, but I do reap the rewards of what I sow. What do I get from this journey? I get to see two little girls thirsty for more of Him, asking for Bibles, reciting verses with me. I get deeper connections with my family. I got to attend our church's prayer vigil and pray with my girls for the people in our lives, and then read the entire passion story together and cry tears of sadness and then tears of joy as we read about the resurrection of our Lord. I get to have one-on-one conversations with God throughout my day, asking Him questions and thriving in a deeper relationship with Him. I get to share the good news of my faith with others, through my actions, through my voice, through the words in my blog. I get to experience incredible, deeply-seeded friendships with people who are experiencing the same thing. I get many, real-life benefits to my faith and my walk with Him. But the best part? I don't NEED tangibles in this journey. Faith is all I need. I need to have faith that He is with me always, carrying me forward, cheering me on, watching me succeed with each and every step.
And more good news? That faith will carry me further than ever. If the star stickers went away, and if I didn't have medals, I would still be just fine! Because I have faith that the losing weight and the running and the becoming a better me is all part of His master plan. And really, all I need is Him. And He and His love are better than any star sticker or shiny medal could ever be.